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  • Nate Graves

Making Your Home Stand Out: Tips for Real Estate Pictures

Are you getting ready to sell your home? One of the most important things you can do is ensure your home looks its best in real estate pictures. High-quality photos are necessary to grab the attention of potential buyers and make your listing stand out from the rest. Here are some tips to help you prepare your home for real estate photography.

Best Gig Harbor real estate photos

Clean and declutter - Before taking any photos, make sure your home is clean and decluttered. Remove any personal items, excess furniture, and toys. Dust and polish surfaces, wash windows, and vacuum or sweep the floors. Remember, buyers want to see a home that they can imagine themselves living in, so it’s important to give them a blank slate.

Lighting - Good lighting is crucial for taking great pictures. Open all curtains and blinds to let in natural light. Replace any burnt-out light bulbs and make sure all lights are turned on. If your home has dimly lit areas, consider adding extra lighting to brighten up the space.

Staging - Staging is the process of arranging your furniture and décor to make your home look its best. Consider rearranging your furniture to create a focal point in each room. Add pops of color and texture with throw pillows and decorative items. Fresh flowers and plants can also add life and a sense of warmth to a room.

Exterior - Don’t forget about the exterior of your home! Curb appeal is just as important as the interior. Make sure your lawn is mowed, bushes are trimmed, and any clutter is removed from the yard. Consider adding a fresh coat of paint to your front door and adding some potted plants to your porch or entryway.

Professional photographer - Finally, consider hiring a professional photographer to take your real estate photos. A professional will have the equipment, knowledge, and experience to capture your home in the best light possible. They will also be able to edit and enhance the photos to give them a polished look.

If you’re preparing to sell your home, taking great real estate pictures is a must. By following these tips, you can ensure your home looks its best in photos and stands out from the competition. Clean and declutter, focus on lighting, stage your home, don’t forget about the exterior, and consider hiring a professional photographer. With these tips, you can take gorgeous photos that will attract potential buyers and help you sell your home quickly.

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